
Saturday 31 December 2011

Shes Beating Me.!!

Hi guys, who knows Missyc2000?
Well shes gunner beat me in frame and i dont want that to happen,
 cause i started msp befor her and i dont want her to become lvl 7 befor me,
so people please help me win coz if i win she will still get up to
 me and she will win and i dont want that to happen to me, so help me by
  1. Watching my movies.
  2. Loving my artbooks.
  3. Loving my looks (I made for people and i made for my self Ones).
  4. Auto-ing me
Pleasee Help me.! 
Thanks if you do Byee.
I Love you all.


Friday 30 December 2011

Some Of My Friends♥

The Real Jam: She's okaii, but somethings i fell like slapin' her face cause she get's rude. And i didnt Hack her shes a liar.. Shes Lying. But shes still my friend x.

Elle190: Elle is the best! She listen's to you all the time, shes never angry all whys happy, she does things you want her to do, so dont take her away from me LOL! I Love her x.

MissyC2000: Shes my Bffl in RL but some times i think shes not, cause she some times does not believe me, she always thiinks its me that does something wrong. But i still Love her x.

                                    I Love My Friends Even The Ones That Make Me Angry! ♥

Thursday 29 December 2011


Hey Its Me 
Siimplaayy 'Deborah
every blog needs a welcome post and this is mine (:
Thank you The Real Jam for helping me out